
Read or download our free resources to help support you and anyone else affected by dementia. Learn information and tips about dementia in our guides and resource packs.

The Ideas Fund – Rough Guides

Here is our Rough Guide Collection, written and illustrated by people attending the Ideas Fund project workshops: Rough Guide SLEEP 30 Jan 23Download Rough Guide Dementia Lived…

The Ideas Fund – project overview

Empowering people living with dementia to take the lead through person-led, creative engagement. ​ Project Overview The shared aim is to explore how behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) can…

Good Life With Dementia Course

This post diagnostic resource pack came out of the delivery of the Good Life With Dementia course. A post diagnostic course which itself was created and delivered…

Getting a diagnosis

When you receive the results of your assessment at the clinic or from scans, you will now have a better idea of what you are fighting. Yes…

Recognising Symptoms

These are some of the more common early symptoms you may experience. However it is important to remember that there are a number of other things that…

What is dementia?

Dementia is an umbrella term that describes the symptoms you may experience when you have any one of a number of progressive neurological disorders. Symptoms can include…