Butterflies Memory Loss Support Group was founded in 2010
Butterflies Memory Loss Support Group was set up by June Cooke in 2010 after her father, George, was diagnosed with dementia in 2008.
She found there were services and support available for the individual diagnosed with the condition, but very little for their families and those closest to them and limited access to groups which welcomed both.
June was already heavily involved with the King’s Fund Project in Hull, which was set up to enhance the healing environment within the Hull Memory Clinic, which now hosts the memory assessment service for Hull and the East Riding.
Having gained a greater knowledge of dementia during her time with the project, she took the step to establish Butterflies.
The group has continued to grow and currently has around 150 members
They enjoy monthly social gatherings where those attending are able to join in with a variety of activities of their choosing, are active in many community events, go on day trips and visits. We offer support to the whole family and support for them and their families.
We started small with one monthly session held in East Hull, but over the years we have grown and now hold weekly luncheon club for gentlemen, their carers come along too and have lunch with other carers gaining valuable peer support and training from out team; in addition to other monthly groups held across Hull and East Riding. Periodically Butterflies provides workshops for carers to help them develop ways of coping with the challenges they face.
We host the bi-monthly Dementia Voice and Influence Forum where people living with dementia are invited along to share their experiences of the services they receive, good and bad, and given an opportunity to feed back to those providing the services. This is not just services from statutory organisations, but a chance acknowledge the great work being done in our communities to make life easier for those families living with dementia.