Voice and Influence Forum

Working Towards Being Dementia Friendly The Dementia Action Alliance is a national movement created on the back of the then Prime Minister David Cameron’s Dementia Strategy, which… Learn More Voice and Influence Forum

Face your partners for a visit by Hull Folk Dance Club at Derringham

On the first sunny day in May, what better way to spend it than learning how to do folk dancing. Inviting the Wednesday Butterflies Derringham group to… Learn More Face your partners for a visit by Hull Folk Dance Club at Derringham

The Butterfly Effect

That’s ‘The Butterfly Effect’, right there! A moment of spontaneous joy as Charlie (right) connects with glass percussionist Brendan (left), during a workshop at Butterflies Central.

From Gateshead to Hull with a Glass Band

[18 May 2017] Everybody likes learning something new and we all can, whatever our age or perceived ability. The Butterflies learned this week that they could all… Learn More From Gateshead to Hull with a Glass Band

Ringing the changes

Reflections Exhibition and Concert [19 May 2017] Reflections launched with an illuminated exhibition and concert by the Butterflies members, staff and was filmed in front of a… Learn More Ringing the changes

Wellbeing Day 2017

The Sights Sounds and Smells at Dementia Wellbeing Day 25 May 2017 Each and every year Hull holds a public Dementia Well-being Day, where agencies and health… Learn More Wellbeing Day 2017

Wish you were here?

30 June 2017 On one of the hottest weeks in June, Butterflies members took part in a holiday-themed event. Group members at Derringham branch and Cottingham branch,… Learn More Wish you were here?

It’s a Balancing Act

31 July 2017 There’s never a straight-forward day with dementia. There are landmark moments to pass, diagnosis, changes and decisions to be made. Family and friendship roles… Learn More It’s a Balancing Act

The Butterflies meet Zeus and the Animal Buddies

25 August 2017 A 10 ft snake, a meerkat and a tarantula and all before lunch too. It is arguably the most important thing that Butterflies do… Learn More The Butterflies meet Zeus and the Animal Buddies

The Ideas Fund – Rough Guides

Here is our Rough Guide Collection, written and illustrated by people attending the Ideas Fund project workshops

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