Ask Kate and Harry
A diagnosis of dementia in a family can have a great impact on their younger members. It can be scary and hard to understand.
Kids can email any questions about dementia and their worries to Kate and Harry at: [email protected]
A diagnosis of dementia in a family can have a great impact on their younger members. It can be scary and hard to understand.
Kids can email any questions about dementia and their worries to Kate and Harry at: [email protected]
If you have any questions, please us email us at [email protected]
Young people are our future, we need to help younger generations understand dementia if we are going to change how society supports people with dementia in the years ahead
We work closely with a number of schools and youth groups with training programmes, films and educational projects aimed at raising awareness, reducing stigma and breaking down generational barriers.
We were based at our old home above Kardomah 94 when a group of young people came from Northern Lights Drama came along for a two week Summer School project about dementia. Some had a little knowledge about dementia through family experience, others only knowledge was from what the media tells us, often a stigmatised view of people we should pity and fear!
Armed with a folder of quotes from those living with dementia, their family carers and professionals working in the field of dementia, the student’s journeys began. They took part in dementia awareness training and met with members of Butterflies and other groups supporting people with dementia, carers and the cared for. They were able to chat openly with members about what it felt like to live fighting dementia.
Here are some examples of the things they learned.
Stoneferry Primary School are regular visitors to our weekly luncheon club.
Mrs Pulford told us “Stoneferry Primary School have been visiting Butterflies MLSG to sing to/with the members and have then had the chance to chat with them too, afterwards. This has not only been a fantastic experience for the children, staff and members but it has also given the school and Butterflies the opportunity to strengthen their community links. The children have absolutely loved the visits to Butterflies – so much so that they asked if they could then write to the members. They’ve said that they loved chatting with them about their lives and experiences and that it made them feel so happy when the members told them how much they’d enjoyed their singing. It’s been wonderful to make these links within our community and to be part of the Tuesday morning group at Butterflies.”