A single occurrence, no matter how small, can change the course of the universe forever.
I started Butterflies in 2010 after my Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. He didn’t want to lay down and die, give up and just accept it. He wanted to fight, to live, to enjoy his life.
He certainly didn’t want to play carpet bowls!
Seven years on, Hull2017 has given us the opportunity to share the stories and lives of people; real people who have made their mark, worked in and built the city, raised families, educated us, grown our food, made our medicines, and kept our streets clean.
People with humour, talent, skills. People with courage and often a zest for life. People who are fighting dementia with the support of their family and friends old and new.
This is just the beginning, follow the journey with us throughout the year. A journey of fear and anger, acceptance and fight. A journey of transition and growth.
We laugh, we cry, we share, we escape we create.
June Cooke