Hive of activity at Butterflies HQ.
[16th February 2017]
It’s a hive of activity at Butterflies HQ. With less than a week to go before the exhibition everyone is busy, cutting, sticking, painting, stippling, printing and so much more.
This week the Thursday group are ‘under the cosh’ a little bit, producing named banner flags to go in the ‘Hull, We Made It, We Did!!’ exhibition. Everyone’s name has to be included so lists are made and a little mental agility is required from Shirley ticking off all the banners that are completed and noting down those names still left to do.
It is also noteworthy that this name banners activity can be started, enjoyed and completed within the one session. Doing shorter activities allows for flexibility, group members coming in at different times can all take part and gain a sense of achievement at having created something during the session. Structuring like this also encourages focus and leads to less chance of participants becoming frustrated.
At the end of the session there’s a pile of banners numbering 22: about halfway through the total number needed. Just goes to show how many people regularly attend Butterflies sessions.
On another table, templates are being cut to be made into silhouetted cityscapes of Hull. These templates will make striking images of Hull’s many iconic buildings and structures. This activity involves more decision-making, the participant must decide on how much of the original image – being used as a guide – to include in the template block.
There is much talk about the pending exhibition, there’s a punt to switch venue in order to hold the volume of work – can we fill the City Hall anyone?
‘We’re going to make an exhibition of ourselves,’ quips Cyril which then becomes an oft repeated gag each time raising that all important smile.
It’s important to mention that not all of today’s group are feeling creative, or even particularly sociable. For those looking to be in the vicinity of the activity but not necessarily join in there are the quieter areas for a cuppa and a quiet chat.
Work stops and everyone downs tools for cake and for a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday for Shirley. It’s these kind of moments that underscore the sense of family and kinship that people find when coming to Butterflies.
They really are just like one big happy family. Ray and Nina the sweetest couple you ever did meet, Pat and John equally as lovely, Kath and Iris mother and daughter duo, Cyril the joker in the pack, Rob the artist… Not to mention June, Rachel, Yvonne and the volunteers, who are the backbone and driving force behind Butterflies, and know exactly how best to entertain and occupy the minds of those facing memory loss.
[Michelle Dee]