How to Volunteer
We have a dedicated team of volunteers who help in all areas of the organisation, including serving and preparing food, befriending and helping run the groups. Their input is invaluable to us and our members.
Things you will have the opportunity to be involved with:
- We organise and take part in a number of awareness-raising events, including intergenerational projects with schools and youth groups.
- Fundraising events such as fairs, shows and various other unusual events.
- Supporting the clinic with research projects, helping with workshops, filling in questionnaires.
What we expect from you
- Confidentiality and respect of members, their families and other volunteers.
- Take advantage of all the training we offer.
- To promote the Butterflies organisations and what we do, acting appropriately when doing so.
- Support the organisation in community events.
- While we understand that as a volunteer your time is something you give to us, we need to be able to rely on you to attend when you say you will. Obviously, we are mindful that we all have emergencies which change our plans.
- You will be given the dates of our meetings in advance and, wherever possible – work rotas, appointments and holidays permitting – you should let us know in advance which you can attend. We need this information to ensure we have enough people helping to run the sessions safely.
- Report any concerns to us.
- Signpost people to our groups and other services that may be available to them.
- Don’t express personal opinions about other services, such as nursing homes and GPs.

What we give you
- Training in Dementia awareness and access to various training opportunities which will help you in your life.
- Valuable experience for your CV.
- We respect your privacy and appreciate you giving your time to support those in need.
- You are volunteering for an organisation who are well respected in Hull and the East Riding.
- Build your confidence and self-esteem.
- Friendship and support.
- The occasional night/afternoon social event.
What our members give you
Nothing can feel as good as knowing you have made a difference to someone’s life. We do this every time we meet.